The Journal of Medieval Latin

The Journal of Medieval Latin (JMLat) is published yearly by Brepols Publishers (Turnhout, Belgium). The Journal also publishes a subsidia series, the Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin.

History and Purpose

The Journal of Medieval Latin, published annually since 1991, was established by a group of Canadian scholars for the purpose of encouraging new and original investigations in the field of Medieval Latin language and literature.

The editors seek to encourage a broad range of articles dealing with every aspect of Medieval Latin studies. We are aware of the difficulties in setting chronological boundaries to a subject, but we wish to emphasize our role as journal with a specialist interest in the Middle Ages rather than antiquity or the Renaissance. We encourage manuscript studies, editions and translations (singly or together), linguistic studies, articles on literary history and literary criticism, and, more broadly, studies of the Latin culture of the Middle Ages. The Journal of Medieval Latin also provides detailed reviews of important books in our field and gives special attention to the reviewing of Latin editions.

As an international journal with a Canadian provenance, we wish to stress our commitment to bilingual scholarship. We therefore welcome articles in both English and French, and we actively seek reviews from scholars who write in either language.

(Adapted from Michael Herren, Editor’s Foreword to Volume 1 (1991), p. v.)


Editor: Greti Dinkova-Bruun, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto
Review Editor: Tristan Major, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto
Founding Editor: Michael W. Herren, York University and University of Toronto

Associate Editors

Alexander Andrée, University of Toronto
Robert Getz, University of Toronto
Andrew Hicks, Cornell University
Bernice M. Kaczynski, McMaster University
Tristan Major, Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies
Jean Meyers, University of Montpellier
Sinéad O’Sullivan, Queen’s University Belfast
Stephen Pelle, University of Toronto
Gernot Wieland, University of British Columbia

Advisory Board

Walter Berschin, University of Heidelberg
James P. Carley, York University and PIMS
Paolo Chiesa, University of Milan
Michael Lapidge, Clare College Cambridge
Danuta Shanzer, University of Vienna
Brian Stock, University of Toronto
Jan M. Ziolkowski, Harvard University

General Editors, Publications of The Journal of Medieval Latin

Michael Herren, York University and University of Toronto
Robert Getz, University of Toronto
Alexander Andrée, University of Toronto
Gregory Hays, University of Virginia